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Wage Tables
Samverk/ My salary/ Wage Tables/

Wage Tables

Wage Table between Samverk and FAG - valid from 1 May 2024


Wage Group 1: Youths


Wage as a percentage of the 1st-year wage in Wage Group 2. Note: Bonuses for apprentices and youths under 18 will be paid proportionally to their wage.



Monthly Salary

Pension 15%

Hourly Wage

Overtime 35%


Overtime 100%

14/15: 50%                11.623,38           1.743,51     67,06             90,53           107,29                 134,12
16/17: 75%                17.435,06           2.615,26   100,59           135,79           160,94                 201,18

Wage Group 2: Individuals with Vocational Qualifications and Entry-Level skills aged 18 and over


Note: Non-certified clinical assistants start in
Wage Group 2, level 1.


Years of Service

Monthly Salary

Pension 15%

Hourly Wage

Overtime 35%

Overtime 60%

Overtime 100%

1.                23.246,75           3.487,01   134,12           181,06           214,59                 268,24
2.                23.694,78           3.554,22   136,70           184,55           218,73                 273,41
3.                24.549,80           3.682,47   141,64           191,21           226,62                 283,27
4.                25.406,46           3.810,97   146,58           197,88           234,53                 293,16
5.                25.603,78           3.840,57   147,72           199,42           236,35                 295,43
6.                25.702,41           3.855,36   148,29           200,19           237,26                 296,57
7.                25.899,74           3.884,96   149,42           201,72           239,08                 298,85
8.                25.998,39           3.899,76   149,99           202,49           239,99                 299,99
9.                26.097,05           3.914,56   150,56           203,26           240,90                 301,13
10.                26.294,36           3.944,15   151,70           204,80           242,72                 303,40
11.                26.393,02           3.958,95   152,27           205,56           243,63                 304,54

Wage Group 3: Apprentices (Fixed Salary) Wage as a percentage of the 1st-year wage in Wage Group 4.


Note: Bonuses for apprentices and youths under 18 will be paid proportionally to their wage


Years of Service

Monthly Salary

Pension 15%

Hourly Wage

Overtime 35%

Overtime 60%

Overtime 100%

1. árið 40%                 10.551,95           1.582,79     60,88           205,46           243,51                 304,39
2. árið 50%                13.189,93           1.978,49     76,10           205,46           243,51                 304,39
3. árið 55%                14.508,93           2.176,34     83,71           205,46           243,51                 304,39
4. árið 60 %                15.827,92           2.374,19     91,32           205,46           243,51                 304,39
5. árið 60 %                17.147,66           2.572,15     98,93           208,11           243,51                 304,39

Wage Group 4: Professionally Qualified Employees


Years of Service

Monthly Salary

Pension 15%

Hourly Wage

Overtime 35%

Overtime 60%

Overtime 100%

1.                 26.379,87           3.956,98   152,19           205,46           243,51                 304,39
2.                 26.720,23           4.008,03   154,16           208,11           246,65                 308,32
3.                 27.037,57           4.055,64   155,99           210,59           249,58                 311,98
4.                 27.377,93           4.106,69   157,95           213,24           252,72                 315,91
5.                 27.719,94           4.157,99   159,93           215,90           255,88                 319,85
6.                 28.035,63           4.205,35   161,75           218,36           258,80                 323,49
7.                 28.377,64           4.256,65   163,72           221,02           261,95                 327,44
8.                 28.657,17           4.298,58   165,33           223,20           264,53                 330,67
9.                 28.936,71           4.340,51   166,95           225,38           267,11                 333,89
10.                 29.216,24           4.382,44   168,56           227,55           269,69                 337,12
11.                 29.495,75           4.424,36   170,17           229,73           272,27                 340,34
12.                 29.775,10           4.466,27   171,78           231,91           274,85                 343,57
13.                 30.054,81           4.508,22   173,40           234,09           277,43                 346,79
14.                 30.334,33           4.550,15   175,01           236,26           280,01                 350,02

Wage Group 5: Intermediate Technicians
For example, IT technicians and industrial laboratory technicians


Years of Service

Monthly Salary

Pension 15%

Hourly Wage

Overtime 35%

Overtime 60%

Overtime 100%

1.                 27.719,94           4.157,99   159,93           215,90           255,88                 319,85
2.                 28.035,91           4.205,39   161,75           218,36           258,80                 323,50
3.                 28.377,64           4.256,65   163,72           221,02           261,95                 327,44
4.                 28.657,17           4.298,58   165,33           223,20           264,53                 330,67
5.                 28.936,71           4.340,51   166,95           225,38           267,11                 333,89
6.                 29.216,24           4.382,44   168,56           227,55           269,69                 337,12
7.                 29.495,75           4.424,36   170,17           229,73           272,27                 340,34
8.                 29.775,28           4.466,29   171,78           231,91           274,85                 343,57
9.                 30.054,81           4.508,22   173,40           234,09           277,43                 346,79
10.                 30.334,33           4.550,15   175,01           236,26           280,01                 350,02
11.                 30.613,86           4.592,08   176,62           238,44           282,59                 353,24
12.                 30.893,37           4.634,01   178,23           240,62           285,18                 356,47
13.                 31.172,90           4.675,94   179,85           242,79           287,76                 359,69
14.                 31.452,43           4.717,86   181,46           244,97           290,34                 362,92

Intermediate technicians are:


Technical qualifications at an advanced level, which provide professional qualifications that are considered to lie between vocational training and engineering degrees, both educationally and professionally.


Shift Work Compensation

Kl. 19.30 - 24.00          
Saturday kl. 14.30 - 24.00          
Sunday and public holidays,
6.30 - 24.00
All days, 24.00 - 06.30          
Overtime Rates            
35% Overtime: The first 3 hours          
60% Overtime: The 4th hour and following           
100% Overtime: Sundays and public holidays