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Rules for Samverk:
Samverk/ Laws/ Rules for Samverk:/

Rules for Samverk:

§1 Name and Domicile:
The name of the association is Samverk, formerly the S&K-Association.
Founded on October 18, 1973.
Its domicile and meeting place is Tórshavn.

§2 Purpose:
Section 1
The purpose of the association is to unite shop, office, sales, technical staff, and other employees within comparable sectors, as well as apprentices within these fields, to promote and protect their common interests.
Section 2
The board may make agreements with other unions for closer cooperation, and the board may also affiliate Samverk with another union if this strengthens the association and serves the interests of its members.

§3 Membership:
Section 1
The employees mentioned in §2 should become members by contacting the association's office.
Section 2
If a member ceases to work within their field, they may choose to continue as an inactive member and pay a membership fee, which is set by the board and is valid for one year at a time. Inactive members who meet their membership obligations retain full rights to benefits from the association's life insurance scheme but do not have voting rights and cannot stand for board elections.
Section 3
If an inactive member resumes work, they will automatically become a regular member again.

§4 Membership Fee:
Section 1
The membership fee is set at the annual general meeting of the association, and the meeting also determines how much of the fee should go into the association's strike fund.
Section 2
The board is entitled, on behalf of the members, to make an agreement with the relevant employer for the membership fee and life insurance contribution to be deducted directly from the salary and paid to Samverk.
Section 3
The board resolves any disputes about payment obligations.

§5 Obligations of Members:
Section 1
Members must inform the office of any changes to their name or address.
Section 2
Members are obliged to maintain confidentiality about meetings, etc.
Section 3
Members must work to achieve the association's purpose according to §2.
Section 4
During a strike, members are obligated to show solidarity and support one another.
Section 5
Members must familiarise themselves with the association's rules, which are always available from the board. Lack of knowledge of the rules does not release members from their obligations to the association.
Section 6
A member cannot, without a valid reason—such as having performed union duties the previous year—refuse to undertake a trusted position.
Section 7
If it can be proven that a member has worked against the association or neglected their membership duties, the board will issue a warning in the first instance and may suspend the member’s rights for a shorter or longer period.
Section 8
The member always has the right to make a statement before the board decides on the matter of suspending their membership rights.
Section 9
The member has the right to bring the matter of their membership before the general meeting for a decision and has the right to present their views at the meeting before a decision is made.

§6 The Board:
Section 1
The association is governed by a five-member board, which is elected at the general meeting, with the chairperson also being directly elected by the general meeting.
Section 2
Board members serve for a term of three years.
Section 3
Board elections are held so that every third year, two board members are up for election. Every third year, the chairperson is also up for election, and no other board members are up for election that year.
Section 4
Board members can be re-elected.
Section 5
Two substitute members are elected at each general meeting.
Section 6
Proposals for subjects from the chairperson or any board member must be submitted to the board by February 1 of the same year the general meeting is held or, if the meeting is held after February 14, no later than 14 days before the general meeting. All members of the association who have not lost their membership rights may stand for election as chairperson or board member.
Section 7
Candidates nominated by another member/members must confirm in writing that they are willing to accept the nomination.
Section 8
The requirement for nomination is that the candidate must attend the general meeting where the election takes place.
Section 9
The board elects a vice-chairperson and secretary.
Section 10
If the chairperson is unable to perform their duties, the vice-chairperson takes over.
Section 11
The board is quorate when the chairperson or vice-chairperson, along with two other board members, are present.
Section 12
The board meets at least once a month or as often as the chairperson deems necessary, and also when three board members request a meeting with a specified agenda.
Section 13
Board members receive compensation for board meetings, general meetings, and contract negotiations. Additionally, a board member receives compensation for representing Samverk at external meetings. The chairperson's and board members' compensation is linked to the current wage rate in the Samverk agreement. The chairperson can choose to work full-time or part-time at the association's office, and their compensation will be:
- For full-time work, compensation will be at the rate of salary group II, stage 1 x 2, following the
salary scale.
- For part-time work, compensation will be at the rate of salary group II, following the salary
If the chairperson chooses to work at the association's office, they are also entitled to a waiting
salary as follows:
- For the first two years as chairperson, nine months' waiting salary at the salary group and stage at which the chairperson is when they leave the position. If the chairperson secures another job after stepping down, the final three months of waiting salary will not be paid.
- For a term of two to four years as chairperson: one year of waiting salary at the salary group and stage at which the chairperson is when they leave the position. If the former chairperson secures another job after stepping down, the final three months of waiting salary will not be paid.
- For more than four years as chairperson: one and a half years of waiting salary at the salary group and stage at which the chairperson is when they leave the position. The final three months will not be paid if the chairperson secures another job. Compensation for board members for board meetings and other meetings related to association work is as follows:
- For meetings up to three hours – compensation equivalent to four hours at the highest rate in
salary group 4.
- For meetings lasting three to five hours – compensation equivalent to eight hours at the highest rate in salary group 4.
- For meetings over five hours – compensation equivalent to twelve hours at the highest rate in
salary group 4.
- For meetings on Saturdays – compensation equivalent to five hours in salary group 4 plus 35%.
- For meetings on Sundays and holidays – compensation equivalent to five hours in salary
group 4 plus 60%.
Section 14
The chairperson maintains the board minutes, which must be signed by all attending board members.
Section 15
If a board member cannot attend a board meeting, they must notify the board.
Section 16
If a board member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without a valid reason, they will step down, and the first substitute will take over. At board meetings, all decisions are made by a simple majority. If the votes are tied, the proposal is rejected.

§7 Audit:
Section 1
The financial year follows the calendar year. The general meeting elects an auditor, who is not a board member. The auditor examines the association's accounts and ensures that its assets are in order. The auditor has the right to review the association's minutes, documents, and accounts as often as they wish.

§8 General Meeting:
Section 1
The general meeting is the highest authority in the association.
Section 2
The regular annual general meeting is held each year in the first half of the year with the following agenda:
- The chairperson's report from the previous year.
- Accounts for approval.
- Election of board members and two substitute members.
- Election of chairperson (every third year).
- Submitted proposals.
- Miscellaneous.
Section 3
The board gives notice of the general meeting with 14 days' notice on the association's website, samverk.fo, and on Samverk's Facebook page. The association also contacts each member by email, where a registered email address is available, ensuring that the agenda is always included in the notice.
Section 4
All members of the association may attend and vote at the general meeting.
Section 5
Voting cannot be done by proxy.
Section 6
The board may issue membership cards and require them to be presented for admission to the general meeting.
Section 7
All matters at the general meeting are decided by a simple majority unless these rules specify otherwise. In the event of a tie, the proposal is rejected.
Section 8
Members of the association may submit proposals for consideration at the general meeting, which must be received by the board no later than eight days before the meeting.
Section 9
Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered unless the general meeting gives permission to take them up for discussion.
Section 10
An extraordinary general meeting is held when the chairperson or board deems it necessary or when a third of the members request it. An extraordinary general meeting must be held no later than 14 days after the request.
Section 11
Notice of the extraordinary general meeting must be given with 14 days' notice, stating the meeting's purpose. The notice is made on the association's website, samverk.fo, and the association's Facebook page, and members receive an email notification.